Tips No One Tells You for Your Running Journey
I wanted to go ahead and share some of the tips that have helped me in my running journey. But these tips are ones that people don’t really talk about unless you ask lots of questions! Or honestly probably experience it yourself…
Here we go!
Morning vs Evening Runs
I usually prefer evening runs because I’m more of a night owl. Also because it’s usually shorter runs (up to 5 or 6 miles). For my long runs, I prefer running before the sunrise because I have the rest of the day to do what I want. It also requires me to sleep earlier… so it depends on your preference!
Doing #2 Before a Run
This is the rule no one likes to talk about it but they’re always thinking it. Make it a point to do #2 the night before a run or the morning of because it WILL help you. You won’t struggle during and it’ll be the best feeling ever! TRUST! So eat your prunes, drink your coffee and consume anything that makes you do #2.
Invest in wireless headphones.
I was actually super against this because I was like “why do I really need this?” “My ear phones work just fine.” It has been one of the best investments I’ve made. It took me a minute, but I love running without a clingy string attached to me. It’s probably a personal preference, but something I now can’t live without in my running experience.
New Running Shoes
I learned the hard way that I needed new shoes to start this journey. Each pair of shoes only survives an average of 300 miles. To help me track my mileage, I use the nike run app or run keeper. It’s also an investment for shoes, so make sure this is something you really want to do! I’ve put everything I use together, so it’s easier for you to find.
Wear thin workout clothes.
This is an unpopular opinion because people read that if you wear a sweater or a garbage bag, you lose weight quicker since you sweat faster. But honestly, I’d feel suffocated if I did that. I wear the thinnest and most supported workout clothing necessary. Clothes tend to weigh you down, but we gotta love the breeze!
AND of course, it’s always fun to run with cool socks or even just add to the collection.
This experience has been so fun! I’ve been loving the fact that I get to run more during all types of hours in the day in two states.

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