
What it’s Like for a First Timer to Decorate Gingerbread Houses

I don’t remember the last year I had so many first memories, minus obviously my first year of age, but you know what I mean. I have been able to do an activity for almost every holiday, but a few of my favorites have been the most recent because of the people I’ve shared it with. Just to name a few- pumpkin seeds, making a homemade hot cocoa mix, and obviously this one!

Our friends invited us for some Holiday festivities to create gingerbread houses. It was supposed to be each couple doing their own, but you know how it is… the girls took over. Before you judge me,

It was my first time doing this type of thing myself.

I tried and I made it colorful; maybe a little too colorful. It even has a slot so our dog can go into the home from the back. How cute, right!?

But let’s be honest… Mollie is the expert.

She’s been doing this for years, so maybe I’ll get to her level one day. Look at that detail!

I might’ve had a spoonful or two of just the extra frosting. The gingerbread box came with materials to decorate and insert the frosting into an icing tube.

Side note: one of the guys made their own “gingerbread” house but with graham crackers. The icing did its job! So we put it up to a vote. Which is your favorite?

I had so much fun making gingerbread houses with our friends. Mollie and Ryan truly outdid themselves with this hang out!

But for real, next year’s house will be better. You’ll see!

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