Make My Favorite Smoothies
Have you ever wondered what you can put in a smoothie? Honestly, you can add any ingredient (as long as it serves you well, right?) One I would definitely NOT recommend is pineapples with milk because that’s too much acid in your tummy and it won’t go well!
I’ve been trying a few different ingredients because I drink them after my runs. I’ve been training for a half AND full marathon, so that’s where my motivation comes from.
Let’s get to it!
Green Smoosh
Peanut butter is yummy with everything! At least in my opinion. I love a little sweetness in my smoothie.
- Peanut butter
- Blueberries
- Spinach
- Banana
Fun Fruits
It was actually really fun to make this especially since I made a stop motion video out of it! This is only a sneak peek. It was also delicious!! Definitely makes it easier when you put fruits that have similar acid levels together so you’re tummy isn’t all over.
- Pineapple
- Strawberry
- Orange
- Apple
Don’t Let That MAN GO
I try to be a little punny with my smoothie names because why not have a little fun? I wish the smoothie would have been more orange but it’s yummy nonetheless. It’s MANGO SZN!
- Mango
- Pineapple
- Spinach
Veggie Style
It offers energy after a long run and so many nutrients! You can probably take out the banana if you wanted to take out the sweetness. I tasted the carrot the most but I would add more or less of other ingredients depending on your preference.
- Banana
- Strawberries
- Blueberries
- Carrot
- Spinach
Smoothies have been my favorite post-workout snack lately because of all the mixed fruits or vegetables that I can freely mix. SECRET: peanut butter is my favorite sweet protein intake, like 2 tablespoons is known to be 8 grams of protein.
If you ever have a hard time mixing certain fruits or veggies, I usually go by levels of acidity! Similar to my Fun Fruits smoothie. That way, you don’t ruin your tummy flow!