Going Abroad With Communications and Media In Spain
Florida International University offers multiple programs for studying abroad. The last focus of my Spain project for May is a program called Communications + Media in Spain. This is based on partnering with agencies and locations to allow students the ability to explore and create their brands. It is a 6-week program at the beginning of summer and depending on the professor is how many courses would be taken (usually 2 or 3).
I wanted to include some friends in speaking of their experiences in their favorite cities, what they would use on a daily basis, and how important it is to keep an open mind. These students- Laura Guerra, Adrian Gonzalez-Camps, Erica Riera, and Carolina Pulgarin- each had their own stories to share.

These questions below were the focus of the interview:
- Before going out, what would your process be in getting ready?
- Are you the type to go out and explore alone or with friends? Why?
- Where would you recommend going to *insert city you studied at*?