A Milestone in the Bahamas

I feel milestones are more fun to celebrate because they are ALWAYS an excuse to do something.

But THIS trip…

Some back story: my travels are usually with my sister and maybe a couple of pals. But this time, literally three weeks before his birthday, my brother wanted to go on a cruise for his 21st birthday. Mind you, his birthday is two days before the 4th of July… He gave us THREE. WEEKS.

At the time, my sister was on vacation and basically got the phone call and we were shook. My brother wanted to travel. He never comes with us on our travels, so it was a big deal.

I don’t know how it was done, but we did it. It was six people and three people ended up celebrating their birthday.

Now this is a milestone!

We were going on Royal Caribbean to the Bahamas for a weekend cruise. And what’s a trip without matching shirts?! Shout out to Wish Upon A Craft for their last minute service.

They had decorated our room and left us a small cake. It was so cute!

Since we had been to the Bahamas so many times already, we stayed in the boat most of the time. My brother surfed, we ate tons and explored the ship’s amenities. And of course, we took a gazillion photos.

We did Captain’s Night the right way- brought make-up, heels, the whole nine yards. I don’t think I had ever done it this way but it was fun. AND on top of that, my tan lines weren’t matching… but yolo (you only live once).

I wanted to share some views:

Are you the type of person that likes the inside or outside views? Inside meaning the architectural structures and the design; however, outside like nature and the unknown. I LOVE the outside because you never know where life will take you!

SO for a three-week trip, I think the planning was 10/10. Some tips!

  • Drinking package for a cruise is VERY worth it! We love to calculate how many drink we should have to make the package worth it and we succeeded. We definitely got our money’s worth.
  • Bring at least two outfits for the day and multiple undies! You never know how many times you’ll change and what events you’ll be going to on the boat. Or who you’ll meet. *insert winky face*
  • A weekend cruise is always the move. Especially if you’re from South Florida- the port is easier to travel to and it’s basically a staycation for you. Best type of weekend travel ever!

When’s your next weekend vacation? I’d love to hear about it!

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