50 Years of Earthy Goodness

My second favorite day in the whole wide world is Earth Day, after my birthday. I love our Mother Nature, anything outdoors and learning more about our precious earth every day. In 2020, it’ll be the 50th Anniversary for Earth Day! How exciting is that?! It’s so important for us to thrive in going green. Remember that it takes twenty-days to make a habit. It want to help provide some easy ways to saving our planet. Let’s get to 50 for the 50-year celebration!

11 Activities to do with the Fam

  1. Consider recycling bins. We are humans. We eat and drink all the time. We can recycle all the cardboard boxes, water bottles, cartons…
  2. “Green” Home. Save on lightbulbs and use eco-friendly ones all over your home. It makes it more affordable for you and saves the planet at the same time. It’s a win-win!
  3. Cute plants. You can bring cute little plants to take care of in your home and share its beauty so everyone can see. I have small succulents 
  4. Family projects. You can create some little birdhouses with the family and welcome cute animals in your garden to make it safer for them. Add cute animals to your circle with creativity for your front or backyard.
  5. Cooking. Everyone can chip in if need be, but it would be fun to make meals and bring out your inner creativity. You can even make smoothies or desserts if you wanted to. 
  6. Clean. Wash your dishes by hand instead of using the dish water. Saves heat and energy! You can even do a fun assembly line with your family to work smarter, not harder. 
  7. Hand wash and air dry. You can hand wash certain items in your closet or towels and leave it outside to air dry. It saves the excess usage of laundry machines.
  8. Shop eco-friendly. Purchase sustainable resources. It will benefit you in the long run anyways!
  9. Use reusable bags. Whenever you grab groceries, bring your reusable bags to gather your items. It’s so spacious and there are so many giveaways out there. Your business can even make their own to use as promotion.
  10. Usage of jars, containers. When you think of throwing a container away, think of how much you can get out of it. You can reuse your cute mason jars or soup containers. Could be used for leftovers at the house.
  11. Yard sale. Sell your clothes, items and products you don’t need to create space in your home. Avoid throwing it in the dump, you never know who may need it!

11 Activities in your Community

  1. Save gas. Get that exercise in. Go out for a walk, bike, use a scooter. 
  2. No cars, no problem. Try not to use your car if you don’t have to. It means less pollution and traffic!
  3. Wash clothes in cold water. Maybe try for once a week? It definitely removes unnecessary stains and doesn’t shrink, especially since hot water does the exact opposite. 
  4. Reusable batteries. Don’t throw them away when you see they’re not working. Just switch them up and have a container for old batteries. Trust me, they last longer than you think.
  5. Old electronics. They can be bought back or sent to certain recycled centers. Don’t let them sit in the dust in your back drawer!
  6. Save the turtles. Use reusable straws rather than plastic straws. This is a tough one, so I got a tumbler with a straw and it makes my life better.
  7. Fixer Upper. When something breaks, put your handy apron on and learn to fix it. We become better everyday with new technology and tools at our disposal. It can also be a fun, family project.
  8. Farmer’s market. Support your local farmer’s market. Small businesses thrive with our touch and we can definitely help with that when we go purchase our groceries or just need a day out.
  9. Beach cleanup. Organize a day to gather the community and clean up the beach, the streets or just anywhere you may find unnecessary garbage or recyclable materials.
  10. Challenge your community. Create a challenge for everyone to partake in. Remember, a minimum of a consecutive 21 days is necessary to create a habit!
  11. Plant a seed. You can literally grab a seed from any fruit or former plant to care for it, water it and let it bloom. It’s such a cute process but takes time for it to grow. Maybe plant a tree in your neighborhood?

11 Activities to be Better for Yourself

  1. Save electricity. Flip the switch when you leave to the next room.
  2. Use less water. On that note, try not to use so much water when you shower, wash your hands, your dishes. You can still use soap, rinse and repeat but minimal water usage.
  3. Grab a tumbler. Don’t use plastic water bottles. Purchase a reusable cup to refill with water. 
  4. Cloth Towel vs Paper Towel. I’m guilty of this because I have paper towel in front of me every time I’m cleaning. I decided to put a wash cloth next to the paper towel, so when I’m tempted, I choose the wash cloth. 
  5. Don’t sit in your car for no reason. #GuiltyasCharged because I love talking on the phone before entering the house. But I’ve been more considerate lately because I don’t want to  waste unnecessary energy.
  6. Stairs, stairs, stairs. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Start a trend.
  7. Meatless Needs. This may be a little difficult for some, but worthwhile for others. Not purchasing meat saves animals, uses almost two thousand gallons of water just to produce a single amount of beef and can work for your body in the long-term. 
  8. Thrift shopping. Buying clothing items at a thrift shop is usually like a cheaper outlet mall, but good quality the majority of the times. It’s very affordable and easy to do, you just need time and patience because you won’t find everything you need in one shot.
  9. Eco-Friendly brands. If you like to shop like me, you can always look for eco-friendly brands to help your needs. You’d be working on your good deed and also helping the planet simultaneously.
  10. Research. Use your internet access to join an environmental organization for a day and make a difference. Join like-minded people in saving our planet. 
  11. Reduce your carbon footprint. Check on your car’s tires, mileage, replace insufficient bulbs, reduce your garbage, and all.

6 Ways to Go Digital

  1. Go paperless. All your statements, records and anything important can be scanned and hidden if need be. This could save paper in our beautiful earth.
  2. Go digital. Try not to print paper and use your online resources. Unsubscribe from paper junk mail.
  3. Notebooks. If you do use paper, use the front, back and every corner. Don’t waste paper!
  4. E-books. I wasn’t a huge fan of this at the beginning, but it’s made it easier and cheaper, especially for school. I’ve been loving the audiobooks too and now podcasts have become very popular! It also won’t break your back like books would.
  5. Printer usage. Set your printer to print double-sided. Saves tons of paper. In your day-to-day use. Also, save the ink cartridges and recycle those.
  6. Thermostat. Change it according to the season to save carbon footprint. The heat versus the cold air containing makes a difference on rather than off.

6 Ways to Make Your Day-to-Day Better

  1. Energy efficiency. Use less energy for appliances and electronics in your home, office space, meeting area, everywhere you go. 
  2. Unplug appliances. Yes! Everything you have plugged in is using energy!If you have any kitchen appliances, any chargers plugged in, hair supplies, coffee makers. 
  3. Renewable energy options. Ask your utility company about other energy options to help better your household. 
  4. Exercise. Go explore Earth’s beauties and take a walk, hike a mountain, run through the beach, swim in a lake. There’s so many outdoor activities to take advantage of!
  5. Eat your pyramid foods. Grab some fruits and veggies and eat the earth’s goodness, but remember to wash them first.
  6. Social media. Spread awareness and save the earth. We each have a part in the world, so let’s make a difference together!

I’ve helped with 45 ways to Go-Green. What are FIVE ways you can complete the list of 50 and help your community, friends, family, or planet in being better for YOUR environment? 

Think of how much of a difference we could make! We can make our planet more beautiful each day. 

Happy 50th Birthday, Earth Day! Can’t wait for many more.

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