5 Tips You Need to Travel to Europe

budget accordingly

Sometimes people think they need less than what they bring, which sometimes is true, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Budget your trip accordingly bring cash, have money readily available in your debit/credit cards, and call your banks in advance to let them know you will be abroad. Also, plan the tours and excursions you know for sure you want to do, so you know how much money you have left over.

“go with your best friend”

Wise words from Emily, “Go with your best friend”. Traveling with your best friend helps create more memories and makes the friendship stronger as the years pass. Finding your travel buddy is hard but best friends make it easier.

don’t overpack

This is definitely one of my weaknesses… I overpack for EVERYTHING. (Even if it’s just a weekend trip). I usually like to have extra clothes because there’s more to mix and match with but for long trips, people usually like to bring back souvenirs and extra pounds in their bags. Be ready for this, because it happens 99% of the time!

pack extra clothes

Extra clothes APART from your suitcase clothes. This is something I regret not having done a while back and I was left needing to shop for an extra set of clothes. In case there’s an overlay, you will NEED that extra clothing and it’s always better to be the prepared person in the group!

empty your storage

If you’re anything like me, you know you’re a picture hoarder. I LOVE pictures and looking back at them to remember the moments when you took them. But when you travel, it’s another experience and another set of pictures ready to take up your storage. I would recommend a hard drive! If not, try emptying your storage before you travel abroad.

I hope these tips helped! These were just a couple of things that happened during my recent trip to Europe, so I hope it doesn’t happen to you!

Let me know if I missed any! I would love to hear from you. Comment below!

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