25 Pieces of Advice Before I Turn 25
Every year, it feels like I’m getting older, but the old people always say you’re just a year wiser. Can you believe I’m almost a quarter of the century old?! I’ve learned key pieces of advice that can shape you as a person or just provide some insight to the growth you can achieve, like I did.
To me, growth is everything. It truly balances the little girl in you with the future mom status you hold for your future daughter. Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself, but let’s look at what I’ve learned and what my friends have shared so far-
- Truly love yourself. No one can honestly love you more than you can love yourself. Before you share the love with everyone, try to figure out your why in life.
- Do what you love. Before graduating or not, learn where your strengths lie and push those forward with everything you do. When you love what you do, “you’ll never work a day in your life.”
- Don’t take life too seriously. There are so many opportunities and challenges life has to offer. I learned this the hard way, but seriously, LIVE spontaneously.
- Be kind, always. It makes a difference when you’re the bigger person. No matter the situation, try putting your best foot forward and be kind- to everyone.

- A simple smile. Everywhere you go, bring a smile with you. You never know what type of day someone is having. If you’re having a great day, share it!
- Adventure out. I know the pandemic has taken a toll in our lives, but you should always venture on to new talents! Find places, people and fun to really explore and get to know.
- Make yourself a priority. I think it’s pretty self-explanatory. Remember, it is okay to say no when you need to. Do you, girlfriend! (Or boy who’s a friend)!
- Give compliments. As cliche as it sounds, give those around you and most importantly, give YOURSELF kind words. You deserve the world. Literally talk to yourself in the mirror and scream it out loud. If the person upstairs didn’t hear you, you’re not loud enough.
- Celebrate small wins too. Every win matters! Whether it’s wearing your workout clothes and not being able to workout or pouring your milk in the morning, it matters. (I know those were super random examples, but you get me! Right?)
- Take a walk. Whether it’s from your room to the kitchen, for a whole few miles, to take the dog out, walk in the pool- just get out there and do it. I love catching up with friends and family over the phone when I walk. It makes a difference when you’re exercising and growing your personal connections.
- Be personable. I love love love being personable with people. If someone mentioned they’re having surgery on a certain day, I’ll write it on my calendar for the day before/day of and send them a message to remind them that I’m there for them or thinking of them. I’ve learned that it honestly helps build on those relationships.
- Tell jokes. I know it’s so weird to say this, even if you’re the only one who laughs at your own jokes. Laugh the silly moments out and share your words with others. Maybe you’ll be the next comedian in your group!
- Do your due diligence. Join a group that’s involved with social responsibility! Make a difference in someone’s life. I love volunteering with anything relating to helping others or giving back. Do something that makes your heart truly happy.
- Let’s be prudent together. My mom has instilled this word since I was young. Let me repeat it to you, p-r-u-d-e-n-t. Google defines it as “acting with or showing care and thought for the future.”
- Make every day the start of your week. This has to be one of my favorite pieces of advice because it’s an all-in-one type of thing. Everyone usually has the best last day of the week because the weekend comes after, but by making every day the start of your week, you come in fresh with ideas and excitement for the day!
- Learn your values. It is okay to say no to opportunities that don’t align with your values. You’ll find what’s meant for you when the time comes. Do what you believe in and surround yourself with people who have similar values.
- Check in on your friends/family. A simple text/call/note on a pigeon makes every day better. I think it’s better to check in than only message them when you need something. Hope that makes sense!
- Having 19 tabs open. It’s not a bad thing having a bunch of tabs open, metaphorically too. Make a to do list and go through each tab. You always give 100% to a task if you’re focused. Slow and steady wins the race!
- Give and/or take a hug. Can be virtual, 6-feet a part, through the phone. We all need one. Maybe it’s just me but hugs really offer and fulfill the best teddy bear needs.
- Make your bed in the morning. Sounds dumb, right? By making your bed, you won’t feel like your life is on loop or routined. Sounds contradicting when I write it out but what U mean is that by making your bed, you have a fresh start with a new day. We all want to see a clean house, food in the refrigerator and a pretty bed.
- Write what you’re grateful for. Start every day with one thing you’re grateful for. As days pass, list top three. We never realize what we truly have until we talk about it or show it. Journaling is key to a great day!
- Go on dates. I know that the pandemic has made this a little challenging but I cannot stress enough going on dates. You truly learn about yourself and what you can handle about the other person. I found my person when I went on dates, so I know you can!
- Own multiple masks. Shoutout to the pandemic for making us buy a bunch of masks! I have one in every purse/book bag, jacket, pocket- you name it! It’s good to wear different kinds to match outfits, wash often and show your personality! Let’s social distance in style!
- Positive mindset. This is a quality I started to have late in the game, but it has changed my perspective in so many ways. Before you think you’re going to say or type something negative, change it up. It takes 21 days to make or break a habit. You can do it!

- Figuring out YOUR why. It takes a lot to truly understand who you’ve become as a person. Every year has new experiences that can help with your growth. YOUR why is what you become and how you lead.
Two words that forever stuck in my experiences have been opportunities and challenges. Every time I allow those words to grow into fruition, my life changes for the better.
I enjoy taking risks because that’s how you truly learn to know yourself. While I know everything happens for a reason, I strongly live by “surround yourself with people who bring the best in you, because you are who you hang out with.” Just take a look around!