2019 Year in Review

If you knew me in 2018, you would’ve thought 2019 was a breeze. 2018 was my year of strength

2019 is my year of opportunity and positivity.

I try to come up with a few words I want to live by each year. And boy, do they really come true. 

It’s funny how I think of myself as a 24 year old living in a 60 year old body because I’m old fashioned. I love to spend time with family and just potate (a verb we’ve made up to define being a couch potato). But I also love to just conquer all experiences and explore everything new. 

This is the first time I decided to do a year in review, so I’ll stick to 12 to represent the months in a year. I don’t really know what I’m getting myself into, but let’s start! 

  1. Make it a goal to travel to new cities. I have a goal to travel to a new city every year, but I also never cut myself short because I try to do that every month. Whether it’s in your own place of birth or maybe the place you just moved to, the experience of a different area offers so much culture, food, people-watching, and an endless adventure! Just go!!
  2. Being an adult is rough. No one prepares you for a life after your education, you just work. But work for the rest of your life. This entails waking up early every day and creating a routine that makes sense to you. I’m here to tell you that routines never work, so be a little spontaneous and I promise your life will never be boring! I didn’t even take my own advice until this summer, so you have a head start.
  3. Save, save, save! I can’t stress how important it is to save your money. I grew up in an environment that the goal was to save at least 30% of each paycheck. It makes a huge difference! Just adapt to living off less, so you can live better once you’re at a more stable place in your life. There will always be an opportunity to go out and what not, so live your life accordingly. Even for traveling, I have a budget. It’s the best money savor ever!
  4. Love yourself. This was a little hard for me because I always put others before myself. Although I still do, I decided to do what makes ME happy. Some examples for me were moving to a whole new state, starting a gym routine, pursuing my masters, and not limiting myself in the pursuit of it all. At the end of the day, you’re your worst enemy. So challenge yourself to be better every day and everything will run smoothly!
  5. Drink ginger tea. You’ll thank me later. My aunt introduced this cure to me because I was about to get sick. I drank ginger tea for three days and I was as good as new. IT REALLY WORKS! So once in a while, when I’m feeling a little stuffy, I drink this and I’m all better. This is one of those secrets to life no one tells you about! So you’re welcome. 
  6. Build your personal brand. Post Grad is always fun, *sarcastic tone*. I would suggest brainstorming on how you want to portray yourself. Always remember that your network defines your net worth. So create relationships, keep in touch and make connections with strangers at the grocery store. You never know, it may be a 30-year friendship!
  7. Fall 7 times, get up the 8th. You make mistakes, you’re human. Try new experiences to see what you like and don’t like. It’s ok to struggle. It’s ok to be that people pleaser and say no. It’s ok to cry. Just put yourself in a situation that allows you to GROW and develop yourself as a leader and professional. 
  8. Learn how to cook. If you haven’t learned already, it’s never too late to start! I should give myself the same advice but maybe if I told you, I’ll manifest it into myself. Slowly but surely, it’s a huge goal! 
  9. Adapt to the inevitable. AKA flight changes due to weather conditions, because I did not think it was possible until I moved to the midwest. So plan accordingly, update your boss and BRING A PAIR OF UNDIES. 
  10. You are who you hang out with. If you’ve ever heard this saying, it is SO true. I truly believe become the personalities around you. I love hanging out with people who push me to be a better person, who push me out of my comfort zone and those who just care about others. 
  11. Exercise, exercise, exercise! I cannot stress this enough. It’s extremely healthy to do some type of exercise daily- even if it’s just walking around the office. Maybe you can make it fun by giving yourself an excuse to have some fresh air or catch up with co-workers. I started to love going to the gym, specifically Orange Theory which you can read more about here. I aim to truly exercise at least 3 or 4 times a week for an hour. And it has changed my life for the better! I have more energy and longer 24-hour days.
  12. Everyone has the same 24 hours. What you with your day defines what your routine could look like. Everyone has the same day, so making extra excuses would only hurt us in the long run. I aim to complete 5 to 6 small goals a day that I know will lead me to the bigger picture goal. It’s truly made a difference in my life and I KNOW it can it yours too!

It’s crazy how a year can offer so much, but it’s all about the thrill of it all! Look for experiences that will allow you to grow, eat until you drop on the floor and do what makes YOU happy! 

Ready for 2020! My year of adventure!

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